Friday, 28 April 2017

Our kitchen.
When we moved it, it looked a bit different.. As usually, I quickly changed the look with a lick of chalk paint.. :)
The kitchen was painted over 1.5 year ago, and it still looks great:)  It's actually the second kitchen click, which I updated using Annie Sloan chalk paint, and I definitely recommend it for a quick kitchen remake.. :)

Nasza kuchnia..
Oryginalnie za bardzo 'pomaranczowa' ;) jak dla mnie, wiec w ruch poszedl pedzel i farby kredowe.. :) 
Po poltora roku nadal wyglada fajnie. To juz druga kuchnia klik, ktora przemalowalam farbami Annie Sloan i zdecydowanie polecam.. Mozna szybko i tanio zmienic wygad wnetrza...

The 'before'look.. 

Thanks for stopping by, Have a good weekend.
Milego weekendu,

Monday, 17 April 2017

Hela's room..

Kilka fotek z pokoju Helenki... 
Mebelki, jedynie z wyjatkiem komodki i polki na zabawki z Ikei, zostaly przemalowane farbami kredowymi ( kolory Old White & French Linen).  Nad komodka portret Helci wykonany przez utalentowana matke chrzestna a obraz nad lozeczkiem to dzielo zdolnego tatusia.. :)

A few photos from my little pumpkin's room;)
Most of the furniture has been revamped using chalk paint by Annie Sloan. The colours I have used are Old White and French Linen. The portrait of Helena, that hangs above the chest of drawers, have been painted by her talented God Mother, whereas the oil painting above the cot has been made by her talented daddy.. :) 

The mdf door has been painted in chalk paint too - Country Grey by Annie Sloan, and a mix of French Linen and Pure White.. 

The BEFORE pic.. 

Thanks for stepping by.

Saturday, 11 February 2017


I was lucky to find this lovely piece of furniture at an Ebay auction. I have now painted it in Paris Grey by Annie Sloan. I distressed it a bit and finished it off with a little bit of dark wax. It's available for sale although I am quite tempted to keep it... Hmmm :)

Moj nowy nabytek:) Pomalowany i wykonczony produktami z serii Annie Sloan. Wystawilam go na sprzedaz ale caly czas mysle czy aby jednak go nie zatrzymac.. :)

The link party:

Thanks for stopping by.
Have a good weekend, 

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